This is definitely not the way to settle something.

Li Moulian 36-year-old, who dragged his 21-year-old girlfriend out of bed and tied her to a gas tank in his car before blowing her up. But it didn’t go as well as he hope it to be. The incident happened in Huizhou City, in southern China’s Guangdong Province, backfired dramatically after Moulian got caught up in the explosion. The pair are currently fighting for their lives, side-by-side in intensive care, after both suffered severe, life threatening burns.
“As the police car with a siren approached the car with the man and woman inside, and another blocked off its escape route from the rear, the man ignited something in the car which exploded into flames,” said police spokesman Tao Hou.

The couple were pulled from the burning car alive, Fan’s unborn baby survived but its condition is not yet known. His motivations for the attack are not known, but her uncle told international press her family had warned her from jumping in too quickly.
“We had warned her that she needed to know more about him before deciding to spend her life with him, it seems sadly the warnings were true as he clearly has mental problems,” he said. “It is a bad start in life for the child as well with the father having obvious mental problems.”